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Alpha II AP Composite Syringe Material - $24.95
Alpha-Flow Composite (Individual Shades) - $37.45
Dexiter Gold Anodized Temporary Crowns (1st Upper Left Molar) - $12.95
Dexiter Gold Anodized Temporary Crowns (1st Lower Left Molar) - $12.95
Dexiter Gold Anodized Temporary Crowns (1st Upper Right Molar) - $12.95
Alpha-Bond Adhesive - $39.95
Temp Tabs (Pkg. 72) - $59.95
Parkell MucoHard + Reline Kit - $105.95
Dexiter Gold Anodized Temporary Crowns (1st Lower Right Molar) - $12.95
Dexiter Polycarbonate Temporary Crowns (1st Bicuspid) - $4.95
Dexiter Polycarbonate Temporary Crowns (2nd Bicuspid) - $4.95
Dexiter Gold Anodized Temporary Crowns (2nd Lower Right Molar) - $12.95
Alpha-Etch 37 - $23.95
Fygg Hydroxyapatite Professional Varnish - Vanilla (1.4 oz) - $124.95
MARK3 Dentin Desensitizer - $16.95
Alpha-Glaze Surface Sealant - $27.95
Pulpdent Embrace WetBond Pit & Fissure Sealant (3 mL) - $46.99
Dexiter Gold Anodized Temporary Crowns (2nd Lower Left Molar) - $12.95
MTA Angelus White (1g) - $48.95
Embrace Sodium Fluoride Varnish (Pkg. 100) - $87.95
Embrace Sodium Fluoride Varnish (12mL) - $34.95
Pulpdent Lime-Lite Enhanced Cavity Liner (3 mL) - $47.95
Fygg Hydroxyapatite Professional Varnish - Vanilla (Pkg. 3) - $264.95
Fygg Hydroxyapatite Professional Varnish - Mint (1.4 oz) - $124.95
MARK3 EverCem Cement - $59.95
Pulpdent Porcelain Etch Gel Syringe (3 mL) - $38.95
Dexiter Gold Anodized Temporary Crowns (1st Upper Left Bicuspid) - $12.95
Fygg Hydroxyapatite Professional Varnish - Mint (Pkg. 3) - $264.95
Pulpdent Etch-Rite Gel Kit - $20.95
Laboratory Pumice Powder (5 lbs) - $16.95
Pulpdent Tuff-Temp Plus Cartridge - $139.95
Pulpdent Silane Bond Enhancer Syringe (3 mL) - $27.99
Dexiter Polycarbonate Temporary Crowns (Upper Right Lateral) - $4.95
Dexiter Polycarbonate Temporary Crowns (Upper Left Central) - $4.95
Dexiter Polycarbonate Temporary Crowns (Upper Right Central) - $4.95
Alpha-Ease Desensitizer - $37.95
Pulpdent Etch-Rite Jumbo Syringe Refill Kit - $42.95
Dexiter Gold Anodized Temporary Crowns (1st Upper Right Bicuspid) - $12.95
Parkell DuraFinish Composite Glaze - $101.95
Alpha-Bond Self-Cure Activator - $23.95
Pulpdent Lime-Lite Enhanced Cavity Liner Kit - $82.95
Parkell SmarTemp Original Composite - $100.95
Parkell Dryz Retraction Paste Capsules - $102.95
Pulpdent Activa BioACTIVE - Base/Liner - $134.95
Dexiter Gold Anodized Temporary Crowns (2nd Lower Left Bicuspid) - $12.95
Dexiter Polycarbonate Temporary Crowns (Right Cuspid) - $4.95
Pulpdent Activa BioACTIVE Restorative (Refill Kit) - $114.99
Dexiter Gold Anodized Temporary Crowns (2nd Lower Right Bicuspid) - $12.95
Parkell SmarTemp Dual Cure Composite - $100.95
MTA Angelus White (5g) - $179.99
Pulpdent Porcelain Etch Gel Kit - $61.95
Parkell Predicta Bioactive Core Material (Stackable) - $85.95
Dexiter Polycarbonate Temporary Crowns (Left Cuspid) - $4.95
Temrex Gel-Etch Kit - $27.99
Fygg Hydroxyapatite Professional Varnish - Mint (Pkg. 5) - $434.95
Fygg Hydroxyapatite Professional Varnish - Vanilla (Pkg. 5) - $434.95
Pulpdent Etch-Rite (Bulk Pack) - $84.95
Pulpdent Embrace WetBond Pit & Fissure Sealant (Pkg. 4) - $89.95
Pulpdent Activa Presto Composite Kit - $88.25
Laboratory Pumice Powder (25 lbs) - $44.95
Dexiter Gold Anodized Temporary Crowns (1st Lower Left Bicuspid) - $12.95
Parkell E.T.C. Cement Kit - $62.95
Pulpdent Bent Needle Tips for Etching Material - $6.25
Parkell Brush & Bond MAX Kit - $209.95
Embrace Sodium Fluoride Varnish W/Brushes (Pkg. 50) - $74.95
Parkell C&B Metabond Quick! Cement System - $583.95
Pulpdent Tuff-Temp Plus Cartridge Kit - $185.95
Parkell Predicta Bioactive Core Material (Flowable) - $85.95
BulkEZ Composite Refill Kit - $157.95
Dexiter Gold Anodized Temporary Crowns (1st Lower Right Bicuspid) - $12.95
Parkell SNAP Composite Resin Kit - $113.95
Parkell Aluminum Crowns (Bicuspids/Lower) - $7.47
Parkell Retrieve DC Cement Kit - $89.95
J. Morita Foundation Bone Grafting Material - $399.95
Pulpdent Activa KIDS BioACTIVE-Restorative (Starter Kit) - $202.95
Young D-Lish 5% Sodium Fluoride Varnish (Pkg. 50) - $145.95
Kerr Tubli-Seal Root Canal Sealer Kit - $48.95
Silmet Spherodon-M Amalgam Alloy 2-Spill (Pkg. 50) - $86.95
Parkell Brush & Bond MAX Liquid - $141.95
Pulpdent Embrace WetBond Seal-n-Shine (6 mL) - $90.95
Pulpdent ACTIVA BioACTIVE-CEMENT (Value Refill) - $209.99
Pulpdent ACTIVA BioACTIVE-CEMENT - $109.99
Pulpdent Activa BioACTIVE - Base/Liner (Value Refill) - $244.95
Pulpdent Activa BioACTIVE Restorative (Value Refill) - $239.95
Parkell Predicta Bioactive Cement - $127.95
Embrace Sodium Fluoride Varnish W/Brushes (Pkg. 200) - $235.95
Pulpdent DenTASTIC UNO-DUO Adhesive Kit - $186.95
Pulpdent DenTASTIC UNO Adhesive Refill - $106.95
Parkell Dryz Blu Retraction Paste Unit Dose Capsules - $111.95
VacuCord Retraction Cord - $12.95
Parkell Brush & Bond Initiator Brushes (Standard) - $99.95
Parkell BluSep Separating Gel - $60.95
Parkell Aluminum Crowns (Bicuspids/Upper) - $7.47
Parkell Brush & Bond Intro Kit - $203.95
No Stick Instrument Lube (10 mL) - $72.95
PacDent RC-Prime Root Canal Prep Lubricant - $27.95
Interproximal Polishing Strip Roll - $16.95
Fygg Hydroxyapatite Professional Varnish - Mint (Pkg. 10) - $774.95
Ceramir Crown & Bridge QuickCap Intro Kit - $105.95
Fygg Hydroxyapatite Professional Varnish - Vanilla (Pkg. 10) - $774.95
Parkell MetaSEAL Endo Sealer Liquid (4.5mL) - $103.95
Parkell SEcure Resin Cement Kit - $290.95
Parkell Dryz Blu Retraction Paste Syringes (Value Pack) - $284.95
Parkell Amalgambond Plus Complete Kit - $375.95
Parkell "C" Universal TBB Catalyst - $284.95
Pulpdent Activa KIDS BioACTIVE-Restorative (Value Refill) - $238.95
Pulpdent Activa BioACTIVE Restorative (Starter Kit) - $196.95
Pulpdent Embrace WetBond Pit & Fissure Sealant (Pkg. 20) - $408.95
Duraflor Ultra 5% Sodium Fluoride Varnish (Pkg. 200) - $253.95
Traxodent Hemostatic Retraction Paste (Pkg. 25) - $299.95
Pulpdent Embrace WetBond Seal-n-Shine (Syringes) - $75.95
YOUNG Varnish Pens With Fluoride - $209.99
Parkell Predicta Bioactive Desensitizer Gel Kit - $143.95
Pulpdent Activa KIDS BioACTIVE-Restorative (Refill Kit) - $129.95
Parkell MucoSoft Reline Kit - $233.95
Parkell SNAP Powder Refill (40g) - $30.95
Parkell SNAP Liquid Monomer - $32.95
Parkell MetaSEAL Endo Sealer Kit - $280.95
Pulpdent Tuff-Temp Plus Syringe Kit - $49.95
Pre-Bent Dropper Applicator Tips (Pkg. 75) - $42.95
Pulpdent DenTASTIC UNO-DUO Refill - $91.95
Pulpdent DenTASTIC UNO Adhesive Kit - $186.95
Pulpdent DenTASTIC All-Purpose Adhesive Primer (Part B) - $56.95
Pulpdent DenTASTIC All-Purpose Adhesive Primer (Part A) - $69.75
Pulpdent Tuff-Temp Plus Glaze - $51.95
Pulpdent Silane Bond Enhancer Kit - $55.25
Parkell Predicta Bioactive Bulk Composite Material (LV) - $126.95
Parkell Predicta Bioactive Bulk Composite Material (HV) - $126.95
Parkell Dryz Blu Retraction Paste Syringes - $92.95
Bulk EZ Composite Kit - $239.95
Cem EZ Refill Kit - $185.95
Cem EZ Adhesive Resin Cement - $323.95
Dexiter Polycarbonate Temporary Crowns (Lower Anterior Short) - $4.95
Dexiter Polycarbonate Temporary Crowns (Lower Anterior Long) - $4.95
Dexiter Polycarbonate Temporary Crowns (Upper Left Lateral) - $4.95
Parkell Brush & Bond Initiator Brushes (Mini/Endo) - $99.95
Parkell Add & Bond Composite Kit - $109.95
Parkell Absolute Dentin Composite (50mL) - $239.95
Parkell Absolute Dentin Composite (10mL) - $113.95
Parkell Brush & Bond Bonding Liquid - $118.95
Parkell Dryz Retraction Paste Value Pack - $279.95
Parkell Dryz Retraction Paste Kit - $93.95
PDT Adhesive Powder (10g) - $49.95
Temrex Gel-Etch Bulk Kit - $93.95
Temrex Gel-Etch Replacement Tips (Pkg. 25) - $16.95