TrollFoil ® blue 8 microns articulating film by Directa marks on wet, dry, and highly polished fields. Get precise markings with just a light tap on the patient. Also marks spaces with a limited opening, limited vestibular space, gaggers, metal, and non-metal restorations. Verify occlusal contacts for both arches from one tooth to an entire quadrant. Save time and take the guessing away!
Product Features:
- Thickness: 8 microns
- Inked on both sides of a premounted semi-rigid frame, so no forceps are needed.
- Foil covers half the dental arch.
- Marks on both gold and porcelain surfaces.
- Its small box protects the foil and makes it easy to pick out a single TrollFoil, without getting ink on your fingers.
SHIPPING: For the TrollFoil blue 8 microns articulating film, please allow 7-10 business days for handling time.