Practice Tips #94: How to Correct Operating Light "Drifting"

Keeping your operating light in the proper position is very important for illuminating your patient's oral cavity. The daily wear and tear on the various joints and pivots impede proper light function that cause it to drift. How do you correct your operating light from drifting?

A Drifting Exam Light

Due to the purpose of your light, it needs to move in various directions to allow proper patient positioning. What you don't want is "drifting." Drifting refers to any unwanted movement in the vertical or horizontal planes.

For the Pelton & Crane Light Fantastic series of lights, American Dental Accessories offers a variety of components to eliminate unwanted light movement.

If the Light Drifts From Side to Side...

Make sure the vertical post is plumb/level on post mounted and ceiling mounted lights. Refer to your owner's manual for information on how to level the post on your light. It could also be that the wave washers are worn or the snubbing pin is loose. Tighten or replace the snubbing pin and replace the wave washers. We have a drift kit which consists of a flat washer, wave washer, and a snubbing pin. This helps with fixing your problem and stabilizing side to side head drift.

If the Light Head Drifts Downwards or Upwards in the Yoke...

Tighten or replace the reflector pivot bushings. These are very common items that wear out.

If the Entire Exam Light Arm Droops...

Adjust or replace the main arm spring. Use a spring tool if you need to tighten the arm or replace the springs.

The diagram below illustrates the various planes of movement of a Pelton and Crane light, as well as the components responsible for controlling these types of movement. All operating lights move in these directions and have similar components.


For example, if you are fixing the drift on a Belmont operatory light, use the proper tool for adjusting the main arm tension. Just as with the Pelton & Crane light, the main arm spring can be adjusted to provide appropriate tension.

When it comes to doing your own dental equipment repair, having the proper tools and repair parts save you a service call and money. Not only will you be able to correct your operating light from drifting, you'll be able to tackle all kinds of repairs on your own. With the mentioned components above, you can keep your light aimed where you want it and shed some light on your patient’s oral health.


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