Portable Emergency Oxygen Unit


Mada Medical Equipment


Regular price $322.95

Portable emergency unit supplies 100 minutes of oxygen at two liters per minute. Small and easy to carry. HAZMAT charges apply.

Product Details:

  • One year warranty on cylinder and five year warranty on regulator.
  • Includes: refillable oxygen cylinder, fixed flow regulator, adult mask, tubing, and heavy duty carrying case.
  • NOTE: Pedo mask (#MD-171) may be ordered with the unit, please call customer service at 800-331-7993 for details.
  • Cylinder dimensions: 11" H x 4.40" W

SHIPPING: Includes a hazmat shipping charge of $60. Portable emergency oxygen unit has a 2-3 week ship time. If returned, there is a 15% manufacturer restocking fee. No returns after 30 days. Oxygen cylinder comes prefilled (except in Wyoming, Florida, and anywhere outside of the continental United States).

Portable emergency unit supplies 100 minutes of oxygen at two liters per minute. Small and easy to carry. HAZMAT charges apply.

Product Details:

  • One year warranty on cylinder and five year warranty on regulator.
  • Includes: refillable oxygen cylinder, fixed flow regulator, adult mask, tubing, and heavy duty carrying case.
  • NOTE: Pedo mask (#MD-171) may be ordered with the unit, please call customer service at 800-331-7993 for details.
  • Cylinder dimensions: 11" H x 4.40" W

SHIPPING: Includes a hazmat shipping charge of $60. Portable emergency oxygen unit has a 2-3 week ship time. If returned, there is a 15% manufacturer restocking fee. No returns after 30 days. Oxygen cylinder comes prefilled (except in Wyoming, Florida, and anywhere outside of the continental United States).

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