The FlexCann ™ 31ga, double sided port needle tips for use during root canal irrigation phases. These cannulas have a unique angled nozzle for correct tip positioning on anterior and posterior teeth, without interrupting irrigant flow by bending the metal part.
Product Details:
- Creates the proper shear wear stress on the root canal wall responsible for the mechanical cleaning effect. Does not create the inadvertent expression of the irrigant into the periapical tissues.
- The flexible stainless steel 31ga, non-tapered cannula safely navigates into curved canalas, which allows upward flushing motion.
- Tips have a rounded, closed-end to prevent wall lacerations.
- The double-side port prevents debris and fluid apical extrusion.
- The 109° fixed angle allows accurate delivery, while avoiding he bending of the needle and interrupting the flow of irrigant.
- Controlles a maximum velocity magnitude of 0.10 mL/second and 0.05 mL/second.
- Tips have a pre-installed rubber stop.
- Pkg. of 50.
SHIPPING: Please allow 2-3 weeks for handling time for the FlexCann 31ga Double Sided Port Irrigation Tips.