Directa Physics Forceps (Molar EZ1)


Directa, Inc.


Regular price $487.95

Physics ® Forceps, molar series, by Directa are an autraumatic extraction system. Provides a simple, but unconventional method of extracting teeth. Also for examing the condition of the teeth, while providing a positive experience for the patient.

Product Features of Molar EZ1 Forceps:

  • Forceps place a constant and steady load on the affected tooth, allowing "creep" to build. Then hyaluronic acid releases, resulting in the break down of the periodontal ligaments.
  • Design of the Directa Physics ® forceps allows you to use them as an elevator, rather than just a forcep by using lever mechanics.
  • One side of the handle has a "bumper," which acts as the fulcrum and for placing deeper in the vestibule.
  • The other side connects to the "beak," which goes on the lingual or palatal root of the tooth, into the gingival sulcus.
  • Grasps the crown and will not need elevating.
  • Once the forceps are properly positioned, then handles rotate a few degrees with only a wrist movement, in a slow, steady, and controlled manner — no squeezing needed!

Used For:

  • Decayed or broken down teeth
  • Endodontically treated teeth
  • Fractured or fragile teeth
  • Curved or long rooted molars and cuspidors
  • Any tooth that would normally be challenging with other dental instruments. 
  • Especially helpful for implantologists who want to preserve the surrounding bone and tissue, in preparation for dental implants.

Made in the USA.

Physics ® Forceps, molar series, by Directa are an autraumatic extraction system. Provides a simple, but unconventional method of extracting teeth. Also for examing the condition of the teeth, while providing a positive experience for the patient.

Product Features of Molar EZ1 Forceps:

  • Forceps place a constant and steady load on the affected tooth, allowing "creep" to build. Then hyaluronic acid releases, resulting in the break down of the periodontal ligaments.
  • Design of the Directa Physics ® forceps allows you to use them as an elevator, rather than just a forcep by using lever mechanics.
  • One side of the handle has a "bumper," which acts as the fulcrum and for placing deeper in the vestibule.
  • The other side connects to the "beak," which goes on the lingual or palatal root of the tooth, into the gingival sulcus.
  • Grasps the crown and will not need elevating.
  • Once the forceps are properly positioned, then handles rotate a few degrees with only a wrist movement, in a slow, steady, and controlled manner — no squeezing needed!

Used For:

  • Decayed or broken down teeth
  • Endodontically treated teeth
  • Fractured or fragile teeth
  • Curved or long rooted molars and cuspidors
  • Any tooth that would normally be challenging with other dental instruments. 
  • Especially helpful for implantologists who want to preserve the surrounding bone and tissue, in preparation for dental implants.

Made in the USA.

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