Replace your halogen bulbs with this LED option! Standard LED lamp module with a red gasket is a replacement for standard, 6-hole, ISO-C style illumination handpiece systems.
LED produces a much whiter illumination that is approximately 2.5x brighter than halogen. Because of dynamic heat sinking, the LED module has an estimated life span of 10-20x longer than halogen. This means you don't have to replace it as often.
Has two small electric pins that are each the same size as each other. Two small holes are the same size as each other and two large holes that are the same size as each other.
Replace your halogen bulbs with this LED option! Standard LED lamp module with a red gasket is a replacement for standard, 6-hole, ISO-C style illumination handpiece systems.
LED produces a much whiter illumination that is approximately 2.5x brighter than halogen. Because of dynamic heat sinking, the LED module has an estimated life span of 10-20x longer than halogen. This means you don't have to replace it as often.
Has two small electric pins that are each the same size as each other. Two small holes are the same size as each other and two large holes that are the same size as each other.